Welcome to GB Wildlife
Our site is dedicated to the fabulous wildlife of the British Isles and we hope to provide lots of information for anyone wanting to learn more about wildlife in their local area and further afield. We have written a month by month guide of some of the monthly wildlife highlights that you can enjoy and have also started a wildlife articles section to help you learn to see more wildlife and perhaps have a go at photographing it too. We’re also in the process of writing reviews of products we’ve tried that we’ve found useful with a particular passion for getting kids into wildlife. Our son (now a teenager) provided us with plenty of ‘feedback’ on what he liked and didn’t like over the years plus plenty of practise at trying to keep him at least somewhat warm and dry – check out the wildlife review section for more information.
We hope you’ll find some useful information on the site and we’ll endeavour to keep adding new content. We do use Amazon links on many pages as that’s a way of us making a small commission when you click through to Amazon from our site and make a purchase. This helps contribute towards the site running costs and your support in this is much appreciated.
N.B. much of our content was on an old site, we are planning on manually transferring this over but if you are interested in contributing please get in touch to discuss. We are particularly keen on increasing our Wildlife Articles and adding a lot more ‘How-to’ style articles.
Wildlife to See This Month – September
Wildlife to See in September : Harvest
Wildlife to See in September : Harvest
Wildlife to see in September – Brambles
Wildlife to See in September : Brambles (Rubus fruiticosa) I have long believed the humble bramble to be one of Britain’s most under-appreciated plant species. People complain of its ability to take over a garden, sending thorny shoots out across prized rose bushes...
Wildlife to see in September – Squirrels
Wildlife to See in September : Squirrels As September begins we are seeing many changes to our native, non native and migratory species of wildlife. Many of our visitors are now leaving for sunnier climes and at the same time many that are staying are beginning to...
Wildlife to see in September – Dormouse
Wildlife to See in September : Dormouse For the last hundred years the Yorkshire Dales has been missing a creature that was once a key indicator of the health of its ancient woodlands. The warm hazel thickets of Wensleydale, Wharfedale and the hazel coppices of...
Hidden Histories: A Spotter’s Guide to the British Landscape
Overview Hidden Histories: A Spotter's Guide to the British Landscape is a really interesting and fascinating book that helps to interpret what we see whilst out and about in the countryside. The book sets out to be a guide in answering questions we've all had whilst...
RHS Companion to Wildlife Gardening
Overview The RHS Companion to Wildlife Gardening by Chris Baines is a beautifully illustrated and comprehensive book giving a very broad coverage of wildlife in and around our gardens. The book opens by explaining the ever increasing importance of our gardens for...
Best Binoculars for Children
No explorer should be without a pair!
Best Raincoats for Girls
Pretty and practical raincoats for girls
Which Type of Garden Bird Food to Use
Here we look at the different options for feeding the birds in your garden throughout the year.
Best Raincoats for Boys
Colourful and practical raincoats for boys.

Help Save Endangered Dormice
The best time to conduct the survey is over the autumn and winter when discarded nut shells…
Make a mini-wildflower meadow
As ever with gardening, planning is essential. Think ahead and especially decide on the type of meadow…
Photograph Brown Hares
The Brown Hare – I’ve spent quite some considerable time watching and photographing these wonderful creatures…
Create a cosy home for bugs
Snug as a Bug is a national campaign run by Buglife to get hundreds of people creating cosy homes for bugs!
Help Honey Bees Survive
Honey bees across the world are threatened by virulent viruses transferred by the varroa mite.
Better Photos of Garden Birds – Part Two
A few more things to cover before getting started with getting great photos of your garden visitors.
Better Photos of Garden Birds – Part One
Getting good quality photos of garden birds isn’t as easy as you might expect, here’s some tips to get you started…
Build a cheap garden pond for under £20
Often quoted as the single biggest thing you can do for local wildlife and it doesn’t need to be expensive here’s how
See more of your garden moths
There are over 2000 species of moths in Britain, many quite spectacular but we seldom see any, here’s how to get started.
Wildlife Gardening in August
Christmas Present Ideas for Wildlife Enthusiast – So what will Father Christmas be bring your friends this Xmas? I know what I want! Bees. I had a brief, and painful…
Wildlife Gardening in July
Spring begins to merge into Summer – As the freshness and lime green of the UK spring merges into July so the sound of wildlife changes. Here the dawn chorus is …
Wildlife Gardening in June
Orchids and Photovoltaic Systems – The cold winter and spring has indeed influenced the wildlife. Plants were still flowering later than I might have predicted for…
Wildlife Gardening in May
Wild Orchids – When the calendar shows ‘May’ wildlife enthusiasts think ‘orchids’. Certainly some will flower before this date but now is the main time to start searching.
Wildlife Gardening in April
Yucky UK Wildlife – The recent flash floods in northern Kenya, that have caused chaos in the Samburu National Park remind me of one of the possible positive …
Wildlife Gardening in March
The Importance of Wildlife Gardens – Wildlife in the UK must have been so different before human numbers started to build up in the Bronze Age.
Wildlife Gardening in February
An Insight into the less-fashionable plants – I’m as bad as the next person: I just do not see the less-fashionable plants. Be honest when was the last time you…
Wildlife Gardening in January
You know how it happens. Something, perhaps quite trite, just ‘gets to you’. It nags away at the very seat of one’s soul and whenever one’s guard drops…
Wildlife Gardening in December
Well another series of Autumn Watch has been and gone – and what a delight it has been yet again. We are so fortunate in that the BBC has such an effective …
Wildlife Gardening in October
Controlling the Growth of Grasses – Yellow rattle, Rhinanthus minor, is a meadow plant that everyone should know. Not that it is overly showy…
Wildlife Gardening in September
Life and Death in the Countryside. I’m sure you’ll all have similar stories to these but they reflect all our interest, and concern, in wildlife and green issues in general…
Wildlife Gardening in August
A flash of orangey-bronzy-brown was all that was needed to awake me from my quiet contemplation, and for my semi-comatose brain to register that high summer was indeed here.
Wildlife Blogs

Wildlife Blogs – Spring Fox Cubs
Personally, no matter how many times I have caught a glimpse of a fox, I am always enthralled by their presence. Be it watching adult foxes in my garden or cubs…

Wildlife Blogs – Restoring the Caledonian Forest
It has been 20 years Since Trees For Life set about to realise the dream of restoring 600 sq miles of the Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands.

Wildlife Blogs – Argaty Farm Red Kites
Few birds rival the red kite for beauty and natural grace. Famed for its rusty-red forked tail, long elegant six foot wingspan and agile flight, the kite is wonderfully…

Wildlife Blogs – Great Vision of the Great Fen
Beside the East Coast Main Line, between Huntingdon and Peterborough, lies an environmental project with tremendous restorative qualities and great vision.

Wildlife Blogs – Basking Shark Survey
This report into basking sharks around the coast of Britain is courtesy of the Wildlife Trusts and illustrates the excellent research work they do in conjunction with many other wildlife…

Wildlife Blogs – Wild Food Foraging
My life changed after I started foraging for wild food seriously; shopping for groceries used to be a chore. Now it’s like I have a wild, exotic food market on my doorstep…

Eco-Living – I’m Dreaming of a Green Christmas
The season of festive frolics is almost upon us so I though I’d take this opportunity to write about how to have a gorgeous green Christmas. Going green at this time of year doesn’t mean going without presents or depriving your family of luxurious food.

Eco-Living – Green Kitchen
The kitchen is at the heart of family life, where all the meals are prepared and where everyone gathers at the beginning and end of the day. This room is also where the majority of the household’s waste is created and a large amount…

Eco-Living – Eco Friendly Camping
Nearly 6% of Britons holidaying in the UK in 2005 stayed in a tent and 18% of families have been camping in the last three years according to a recent report. I love camping and have a few tips for having fun and reducing your carbon footprint.